Tenants unions on the south side of Chicago affiliated with Tenants United Hyde Park / Woodlawn.
Hyde Park Property Management Tenants United
The union for tenants of Hyde Park Property Management.
To get in touch, email HPPM Tenants United at HPPM.TU@gmail.com
Mac Tenants United
Mac Properties is the largest landlord in Hyde Park, and Mac Tenants United is the dedicated group for neighbors who rent from them.
To join or contact Mac Tenants United, email us at mactenantsunited@gmail.com.
To find out who Mac are, see "
Who are Mac Properties?" and the posts below.
Pangea Tenants United
The union for tenants of Pangea Properties.
To get in touch, email Pangea Tenants United at PangeaTenantsUnited@gmail.com
TLC Tenants United
The union for tenants of TLC Management.
To get in touch, email TLC Tenants United at TLCTenantsUnited@gmail.com
To learn more about TLC Management, see the posts below.