Faye Porter is among Chicago's few tenant union organizers and a long-time one. She is facing awful retaliation for organizing with her neighbors against terrible conditions she and other tenants have been forced to suffer under. Funds will go to helping her move, lost wages from having to miss work to deal with this ongoing repression, and the cost of her legal defense to defend herself and to fight back. She and we are not backing down. She has helped so many others in Chicago at their most difficult time; now it's our turn to help her and the amazing contributions she continues to bring to communities in resistance.
When we in Tenants United of Hyde Park, Woodlawn, and South Shore first formed around 2017-2018, Faye blessed us by reaching out to us and sharing her wisdom that pre-dated us. She warned us of what we were up against, including the type of repression and bribery that we would inevitably encounter. She has never sold out and is an example of long-term dedication and sacrifice. Please support and stay tuned.
-The Core Members of Tenants United (16 April 2024)